Professional Actor

Mondays, 7:30-9:30 pm
15-week class
14-Student Limit
Beginning January 13, 2025
For the first time ever, The Actor Factory presents a 15-week class concentrating on three different approaches to acting.
Actor's Toolkit is a study of three different approaches to acting, giving a 5-week exploration each of Meisner Technique, Chekhov Technique and Alba Emoting, a fantastic all-in-one class for intermediate and advanced actors.
It’s hard to play emotional scenes take after take in film, and night after night in theater.
Anyone who has been acting long enough knows there is not one approach to acting that is right for everyone or for every scene or character. This class provides actors with different approaches that actors can pull from when finding it hard to connect to a scene, a character, a piece of direction, or even a difficult scene partner.
Many of these techniques involve getting better at listening to your scene partner, to your emotions and to your script. While many people may be familiar with Meisner and Chekhov, this is the only Alba Emoting class offered to the general public in this part of the country. The technique has exploded with serious actors in Los Angeles and New York, and now you can experience it here. Learn how to do repeated takes of highly emotional scenes without wearing you out or causing or reliving trauma. Play emotions safely and repeatedly.
Each discipline of the class will be explored for 5 dedicated weeks,
The Meisner technique is an approach to acting developed by American theatre practitioner Sanford Meisner. The goal of the Meisner approach is for the actor to not focus on themselves and instead concentrate on the other actors in the immediate environment.
Michael Chekhov's technique involves what he called The Psychological Gesture; a tool used by the actor to increase one’s desire to act or to do. Chekhov understood the subtle nature of the mind/body connection and how this connection could be accessed through imagination, improvisation, psychological gesture, archetype, ensemble work, and atmosphere. It offers clear and practical tools.
Alba Emoting is a means for identifying, inducing, and regulating genuine emotion through conscious application of patterns of breath and muscle tension organic to basic emotions. It is aimed at actors looking for alternatives to using personal memories or other indirect means to enhance emotional expression in performance.
Elizabeth Townsend is nationally-certified to teach all three techniques, making her the perfect instructor for this exciting all-in-one class.
Elizabeth Ann Townsend is a professional actress and educator. She has worked in New York City on stage, television, film, and in regional theatres across the country. She is a member of Actors Equity Association and SAG-AFTRA.